How to buy SPC flooring?
 Aug 12, 2020|View:1003|

When buying SPC flooring, you can use different board size, board thickness and wear layer thickness options. Board size is related to style preference, so make sure to compare different sizes in photos of installed floors to see which style you like best. For board thickness, remember that thicker boards increase durability and stability. Generally, you will find that the thickness of SPC boards is about 3.2 to 7 mm. A thicker wear layer is also preferred. The thickness of the wear layer is usually in the range of about 0.2 to 0.7 mm.You may also see SPC floors advertised or marked under the following names:

SPC flooring in the kitchen room.jpg

  1. Hard vinyl board

  2. Waterproof vinyl floor

  3. Engineering luxury vinyl floor

Be sure to check the composition of the wood core to make sure it is actually SPC hard vinyl flooring. There are other types of luxury vinyl flooring, they are not made of natural limestone powder, PVC and stabilizers.If you are going to make a serious upgrade to your house, consider installing SPC hard vinyl flooring. It has many benefits, can make it a considerable investment, and is especially useful for families with pets and children. Ease of installation and relatively affordable prices will also help reduce costs. With almost unlimited design options, you can also easily find a look that suits your style.

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