Can I use waterproof laminate flooring in the bathroom
 Dec 23, 2020|View:741|Share to:

If you want a bathroom floor that is easy to maintain and not moldy, you can use ceramic tiles or waterproof laminate flooring. Hardwoods of any kind installed next to the bathroom shower or bathtub are not very popular. Modern finishes have come a long way and have done a good job of protecting hardwoods from damage and can do a lot. So, what if you want to see the appearance of hardwood in the bathroom? We think a good choice is waterproof laminate flooring.


Waterproof laminate flooring can give you the appearance and texture of real hardwood, and has the benefits of laminate flooring. Installation is easy, you can do it yourself. Waterproof laminate flooring can also maintain a warm touch, because they retain heat much better than ceramic.

 waterproof laminate flooring in the bathroom

Another benefit of installing waterproof laminate flooring throughout the home and bathroom is the seamless appearance. Seeing a kind of floor span throughout the house will make your room look bigger.